Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

What to do during summer break!

It is that time of the year again, that time when you can eat ice cream as much as you can and chilling by the pool as long as you want! Here are some things that you can do in this so-damn-hot-weather season, so called "summer".

1. Do an internship
I know this idea might be kinda boring, but this boring plan can help you a lot in the future. Have you ever heard experience is the best teacher? This is the time to find your best teacher for your future! You can do an internship that has something to do with you major or just hit your dream company!

2. Find a part-time job
Well, maybe you are not interesting into the internship kinda things. But you surely need some income to enjoy your summer holiday right? Go find a part time job, it can be a waiter in the cafe or restaurant near your house, or maybe you can give a tutor for elementary school's students.

3. Chilling in the most hype beach in your city
How can you called it as a summer if you are not chilling by the sea with your best squad ever? Go check for a hotel by the beach, and stay for 2 or 3 nights there! Do not forget to bring sunblock, because UV light is no good for our skin.

4. Do some DIY
In the spare time during the day, you can do some DIY in between your social media activity or your netflix marathon. Simply find some interesting DIY in youtube that can decorate your bedroom wall or little cute stuff that can accompany you during your study on your desk. You can also find some new recipes and cook it together with your bff!

I hope you enjoy your summer as much as I do! Happy summer holiday! 

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